Un futur botanique

for Bacardi Breezer (Groupe Geloso)

Investing in a younger and healthier age group, Bacardi joined the seltzer market. Focusing on Gen Zs and leveraging the well-known brand, we created a campaign for the summer of 2021 highlighting the lightness and flavour of the Bacardi Breezer Tropical Seltzer. As a generation that cares greatly about health and environment, we wanted to convey the message that the Bacardi Breezer understands them and shares the principle, creating a light, low-calorie but flavourful drink.

Bacardi Breezer Seltzer Botanical - Le futur est botanique - All flavours
Bacardi Breezer Seltzer Botanical - Le futur est botanique - Mûre
Bacardi Breezer Seltzer Botanical - Le futur est botanique - Pêche
Bacardi Breezer Seltzer Botanical - Le futur est botanique - Tropical
Bacardi Breezer Seltzer Botanical - Le futur est botanique - Social Media
Bacardi Breezer Seltzer Botanical - Le futur est botanique - OOH

My role

Creative Art Direction

The team

George GiampuranisCreative Director

Charlène CôtéCopywriter

Audrey LegrisCopywriter

Carol-Ann D'AmourCopywriter, Art Director

Léa JeanmouginCopywriter